During these challenging times, the importance of supporting one another has become more and more evident.
Over the past few years we have been donating as much as we could to “Reteclima” and “Choose Love”, two associations we are lucky to know personally and which we strongly trust and respect.
We warmly suggest to give a look at the campaigning and fundraising initiative called Choose Love.
They have developed a new way of collecting donations, by creating a direct connection between donors and the actual goods or services they want to donate: from sea rescue to hot food, from legal assistance to nappies.
The website Choose.Love looks like any other online shop; the real difference is that the order is not dispatched to the buyer: it is instead send to a person in need for that particular product or service.
During the pandemic of 2020 and 2021 we donated part of our profits to Choose Love, while involving our customers in the decision process of what goods to purchase via the Choose.love webstore.
For the year 2022 we are working on projects based on the local community: please sign up to our newletter if you are in Genova and want to discover techniques aimed to minimise your fashion waste or learn skills that can help you looking after clothes you already own.
We will soon organise workshops around these topics. Please feel free to email us with suggestions and desired outcomes.